What is a Solo 401(k) Loan?
Solo 401(k) Loan – Learn about the rules surrounding the Solo 401(k) plan loan and how you can borrow up to $50,000, without tax or penalty.
What is the Mega Roth Strategy?
The advantage of using the mega Roth strategy is to maximize your retirement savings. Report Roth 401(k) plan conversions with IRS Form 1099-R.
Self-Employed? Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?
The self-employed are not saving for retirement, according to recent studies. But there are retirement plans available for them, like the Solo 401(k).
Real Estate Investing with a Solo 401(k)
Real Estate Investing with a Solo 401(k) is the most popular way to invest your retirement funds; plus, UBTI rules don’t apply to a 401(k).
Requirements to Establish a Solo 401(k)
There are only two requirements to establish a Solo 401(k) plan, but it’s very important to meet at least one. Failure can result in plan disqualification.
Solo 401k vs. SEP IRA – Which is Better?
Solo 401k vs. SEP IRA – In choosing one, you must be aware of the eligibility requirements and the contributions limits to see what’s best for you.
Solo 401(k) for Everyone – Even You!
Solo 401(k) for Everyone The Solo 401(k) is the best retirement plan for self-employed individuals. We think everyone should have one! In the following, we’ll discuss how a “Solo 401(k) for everyone” is possible. You don’t need to start your own business. You don’t need to make a ton of money. All you need is […]
Are All Solo 401(k) Plans the Same?
Not all Solo 401(k) Plans are the same. See why you choose an IRA Financial Group Solo 401(k) and all the benefits of the plan.
What are the Solo 401(k) Rules?
The Solo 401(k) rules must be adhered to in order to maintain your plan and stay IRS compliant so you maintain the freedom to invest in almost anything.
4 Easy Steps to Create Retirement Wealth
Retirement wealth is no guarantee, but you can employ these strategies to make it more achievable to have a wealthy, stress-free retirement.