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IRA Financial Trust & You

financial trust

IRA Financial Trust can help you with checkbook control and your own strengths, choosing traditional or alternative investments.

Solo 401(k) Tax Filing Requirements

Solo 401(k) Tax Filing

As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to start figuring out what you need to do with your finances.  If you are self-employed and have a Solo 401(k) plan, there are a few things to keep in mind.  In the following, we’ll discuss all Solo 401(k) tax filing items you should be […]

Solo 401(k) for Everyone – Even You!

Solo 401(k) for everyone

Solo 401(k) for Everyone The Solo 401(k) is the best retirement plan for self-employed individuals.  We think everyone should have one!  In the following, we’ll discuss how a “Solo 401(k) for everyone” is possible.  You don’t need to start your own business.  You don’t need to make a ton of money.  All you need is […]